Wednesday, March 05, 2008

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Rumours suggest Xbox 360 price cut this month

Wed, 05 Mar 2008 22:52:41 +0000
also don t forget that innovation isn t always appreciated by the gam. I seriously don t see Infinity Ward making a non fps game and a MMO i. Sony would not be interested in selling a system they are just about . they better put it out for ps or il be pissed . Stop being a wimp get a console your just worried about getting u. Diablo II is close second. Starcraft II. Signed. WOW Pfffft. Closing eyes towards problems. nothing else was expected. Latest forum comments uhu huidskleur wordt er niet gepest durft men niet pesten maar ne ga. ach ik werd vroeger ook wel eens gepest en kijk nu ik ben een succe. phh da mens. Vond het ook belachelijk nu paar weken voordat de uitei. Ochja eens pesten en gepest worden is goed voor je daar word je ster. Ik ben maar even veel waar als DD Waarom is emo hier up and comming denk je whatever. Met een foto erbij gaat m n prijs x mja. . http in bed de mijne Links plaatsen h . want . ik heb er geld voor over om naar een LAN te gaan waar ik round the clo. Visit the forums RSS Feeds Feeds are per category All News Comments News X price cut March th Posted on Wednesday March by Speed source TechRadar Techradar received word from numerous sources in the industry that Microsoft s X will drop on March th. Why aren t we saying which version will be dropped in price Well it seems ALL versions will get the same price cut. We have corroborated this story with numerous UK retailers this morning who agree that the price is set to be slashed on this date. The rumour is that the price cut will be in the region of per SKU . at the current exchange rate which we will confirm as soon as we find a retailer willing to go on record. Taking euros off the price of all Xbox systems will bring the Arcade version at or even below the price of Nintendo s Wii which will almost certainly raise sales. This news comes fairly quick after rumours about Sony dropping the price of its PS later this year. may become a very exciting year for those that still don t have a next gen console in their home. Microsoft of course declined to comment on the rumour and Sony nor Nintendo wanted to say anything about the matter just yet either. In other news The Chronicles of Spellborn moves to Q Why Bethesda doesn t listen to the fans Comment s put your comment here Register an account Lost password Submit News Technical support Foreach Privacy Statement and Terms of Service Server uptime weeks days hours minute This page was generated in . secs Syndicate our news According to videogaming .com non disclosure agreements are in place with leading retailers to prevent them from revealing the price drop which will come into effect just ahead of the busy Easter sales period. Around EUR is expected to be slashed off the price of the Elite Premium and Arcade units according to on March . This means the Arcade Xbox will retail for around GBP in the UK cheaper than Nintendo s Wii console the Elite will sell below GBP and the Premium at just under GBP . Retailers contacted by have declined to comment on the record. Microsoft has been targeting the Arcade unit at the casual end of the market packaging it with five free Live Arcade games but without a hard drive as standard. Reducing its price to around GBP less than the Wii would be a more aggressive attempt to win over the casual consumer a market currently dominated by Nintendo s home console. Related Information Microsoft Stock Report Feb Feb Microsoft cuts Vista price Feb BBFC hits back at ratings claims Feb Daily Weekly Sign up to the FREE GI Newsletter and receive a comprehensive round up of industry news and info. Most Popular Stories New PS price cut expected this year Jagex launches FunOrb casual site SCi to cut per cent of jobs cancels projects billion investment needed to take on World of Warcraft Kotick Rumours suggest Xbox price cut this month Editor Phil Elliott Advertising Job Listings Richard Sturgess Meet the Team About GI Send us news RSS This site Eurogamer Network Ltd. All Rights Reserved. No part of this site or its content may be reproduced without the permission of the copyright holder. Page loaded in . seconds.


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