Sunday, April 20, 2008

We had started out on this mission of information on nintendo wii piratske igre with lots of optimism. And we have also ended it in the same manner.

Current nintendo wii piratske igre News

honestly and frankly the best next gen console

Sun, 20 Apr 2008 01:43:39 +0000
solid facts to buy a wii for your self or as a gift the only next gen console that don t fail on you not like xbox OR EVEN ps that have an auto destruction timer on them the only next gen console that bringed something new to the world of video games the smallest console on the market size of two or three DVD boxes wireless controllers the controllers are a reason for the huge wii success save your games on sd cards digital camera memory stick a great video game included after you play it you will deeply understand why i said great Plays two disc formats in a single self loading media bay Features a processing chip from IBM and a graphics chip from ATI Backwards compatible with all Nintendo GameCube games and most peripherals Built in Wi Fi access for easy connection to Nintendo Wi Fi Connection gaming service . Wii purchase limit policy As you may know the Nintendo Wii is in great demand and there are shortages of this product across the U.S. In an effort to provide as many customers as possible with the opportunity to purchase a Wii we are limiting the total number of Wiis that can be purchased. As a result each household may only purchase up to Nintendo Wii units total. See additional policy details get yours before out of stock of people found the following review helpful An Inexpensive Gaming Console for the Whole Family November By Lisa Shea Fun The Nintendo Wii is the most inexpensive of the current generation of gaming consoles. It provides motion sensing controllers and p graphics. We tested the Wii before its launch day I m a game reviewer and we had our own unit in our home the morning of launch day. Here are our findings. The Wii is designed around a menu of channels . There is of course the game playing channel where the Wii will play any Wii or GameCube game. Simply load the disc in and go. There is a Mii channel where you set up a profile and avatar to connect to all your game playing. The Photos channel lets you look at photos on your TV. Other channels for news weather and online shopping require an interent connection the news and weather were not actually working at launch time. The system does NOT have a regular network cable port which both the PS and XBox have. Instead it works with built in wireless or with a USB network adapter. I am a firm proponent of wireless less clutter So I am thrilled that they offer wireless automatically. With the PS you have to pay extra for the gig unit to get this built in. The XBox requires extra hardware as well. It s hard to generalize gameplay on any console it really depends on what games you buy. That being said the comes with it software of Sports is really quite fun and is about as basic as you can get. You swing at baseballs lob tennis balls bowl box and play golf. A fitness mode puts you through a variety of tasks and then calculates your fitness age sort of like how Brain Age keeps track of your mental age. If you did both every day you could aim to be as fit mentally and physically as possible In a world where video games couch potato it really is quite amazing to have a game where it natively expects you to move and be active. You don t lounge back and gain pounds here while playing games. Boxing can be quite strenuous jabbing blocking and weaving in real life. Tennis involves quick reflexes and strong arm movements. Bowling might be the most relaxed of the sports but even there you are standing moving swinging. You get your heart going at least a little and get some exercise. My boyfriend had a sore arm after playing for a number of hours in a good way as he would from exercising. The p resolution is certainly not high def p like the other two systems. It s something you accept when you re paying such a low price for the console. But really it s not that big a deal. I still play the old Zeldas and love them for their gameplay even though you can t see the pores in Link s face. If they are going for the cartooney characters and environments p is DVD quality and is quite good. If you really really crave high definition super realism in your games then the Wii might not be the best choice for you. However if you re fine with playing games with a more impressionist cartooney look to them the p can show that quite nicely. For example there aren t fans in the stands for baseball there are colored blocks. Nintendo has always been known as a Kid s Console but I really do think with the Wii that they have become a Family Console . It s not just kids who will enjoy this. Seniors can have fun bowling without knowing anything Tricky about how to use a video game unit. It s very intuitive. Moms can easily play with their kids each with their own Wii profile. Adults having parties can have fun passing the controllers around. Family groups can share slideshows on the big screen while hanging out and drinking wine. Every person who has come over from to adult has instantly understood and enjoyed the Wii without much explanation at all. With the price tag being so low a gaming household that needs a higher end system can easily save up their money to get that XBox or PS and still be able to justify to get a Wii for the fun casual gaming stuff to share with their non gaming friends. Well recommended Since I own all three systems and am playing all three wirelessly feel free to contact me if you have any further questions. Update One year later and the Wii is still going strong It s really funny how many people said the Wii would bomb because it wasn t as good as the PS or and here we are a year later and the Wii is still the system that people are really wanting to get. Hospitals are getting Wiis for their patients to play with. Senior centers are getting Wiis for their residents to play games together with. I was just on a cruise ship and they had Wii tournaments going on every day This is a fantastically fun system that we really enjoy playing with and that literally the whole family can have fun with. There are great games for kids great games for teenagers great games for adults. I am really very pleased with how the Wii has held up and the game set available for it. I m running out of space here but my site has full articles on exactly what you get in this box and what else you should buy so you have a full system to play with. of people found the following review helpful Amazing November By H. Vargas APO AP United States Fun Just picked this up during the midnight launch at Wal mart so far it s AM PST and I have to say that I m totally impressed by Nintendo s latest effort though at first the new control may feel foreign after not more than just a few minutes it feels natural incredibly fun and after a little bit you ll never feel like going back to a regular controller again. I asked my cousin who was w me during the launch if he d get a Wii and he said no but that all changed as we hooked it up and started playing Wii sports. All of a sudden it went from no to what games are there etc. Try this and I guarauntee sp that you will be impressed by this revolutionary new system that places gameplay above nice shiny eye candy which unless you ve been living under a rock should know by now that that s not what the Wii s all about. I just also wanted to add that I m not just some Nintendo fanboy trying to butter this system up as I also own a and also plan on owning a PS when the right games come out for it pure and simple I am a gamer and don t care for one particular system over another as long as it has the games to back it up. For those that are skeptical stop doubting this is the real deal and at a price that can t be beat by any of Nintendo s competitors this is something that will entertain the entire family regardless of age gender etc. For about I picked up an extra controller set wii remote and nunchaku and a copy of Zelda try getting anywhere near that much w any other system . I ll admit that when Nintendo had finally shared its strategy to the world a while back I was skeptical as well until I saw the videos for it and knew from than on that Nintendo was truly onto something great. Another cool note is that if you have a Gamecube controller lying around you can actually use that for playing the library of old school games that come from the Wii shop which can be purchased w Wii points instead having to go out and buy the new Wii retro controller nice touch some old school games can also simply be played w the remote. Also unlike the almighty Microsoft point the Wii points are on equal terms w the dollar so Wii points equals etc. You can purchase those online in the Wii shop by point increments I believe up to points. Prices for NES games are points points for Sega Genesis and Super Nintendo games and points for N games. Right now though the library is fairly limited offering no more than a few titles no more than for each console. The bottomline though is don t miss out on this revolutionary product it is definately worth at least a try before you dismiss it as a clever gimmick and is truly one of the best systems to come out in years IMO and a breath of fresh air to the staleness which are controllers. Additional features include Wi fi for wireless connection Gamecube control ports USB ports Gamecube memory card slots and extra slots for SD flash cards doesn t accept anything else like Memorysticks so you can view your pictures on the Wii for instance. where to buy a wii buy wii console nintendo wii piratske igre where can i buy a wii nintendo wii internet connections wiii console system suikoden ii buy wii buy online in stock purchase wii console new wii console on sale wii console tracker This entry was posted on Tuesday February th at am and is filed under Video Games . You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS . feed. 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Monday, April 14, 2008

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Mon, 14 Apr 2008 08:14:43 +0000

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Monday, April 07, 2008

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Mon, 07 Apr 2008 10:08:47 +0000


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Friday, March 14, 2008

We had thought that producing some matter on free nintendo wii points would be an impossibility. However, once we started, there was no turning back.

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Fri, 14 Mar 2008 13:11:32 +0000
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Following the release of February s NPD sales figures analysts have called out its particularly strong performance in light of macroeconomic downturns calling the industry near recession proof also more sales figures No More Heroes Layton inside. More News Search News thanks to the virtual punctuation mark the Wii control flick lends them. Keil emphasizes the quality of No More Heroes writing. No More Heroes would be a noteworthy game simply due to its over the top visual style and rock solid controls but the game s appeal and genius go far beyond that he writes. There is real social commentary in this title and each of the bosses can be seen to represent a societal issue or problem often of the peculiarly American persuasion. The fact that it is typically buried beneath an inventive set piece battle keeps it from being sledgehammer obvious and yet the satire is right in your face at all times. The real triumph of Suda s surreal occasionally obscene romp is that behind all the cynicism satire and gory ultraviolence lies a true joy of creation that is too rarely seen in gaming Keil concludes. For perhaps the first time he has made a game truly accessible to just about anyone while retaining the layers and nuance seen in titles like Killer . As a game No More Heroes is a delight. If you re also in on the joke it s astounding. GameSpy s Sterling McGarvey gives No More Heroes out of stars and claims that the title will be of particular value for gamers seeking depth from the Nintendo Wii s software lineup. It s doubtful that No More Heroes will succeed with the casual crowds that have adopted the Wii in droves but on a platform that gets a lot of flack for lacking hardcore games for hardcore gamers this demented package offers oddball appeal he says. It s also the furthest thing you can get from the kiddie game stigma that hounds Nintendo s consoles like a scarlet letter. The most coherent way to describe NMH other than on something is that it resembles Kill Bill in regard to plot and a pint sized San Andreas in execution McGarvey summarizes. As Travis Touchdown you ll work your way up a list of targets in the California town of Santa Destroy on your way to becoming the best hitman in the world. that is when you re not living the lifestyle of a hopelessly pervy otaku. McGarvey praises No More Heroes control scheme and feels that the game s weirdness works well in its favor. He notes that some issues occasionally cause the experience to drag however. Even if you can deal with redundant combat moments driving around Santa Destroy is pretty annoying he critiques. Travis absurdly souped up chopper can reach blinding speeds to get you from job to job around the town but it gets snagged on buildings trees and other landmarks from time to time and can be a real pain to get out of a tight spot. It s in these sections that No More Heroes lacks a bit of luster. Beyond that however the game glows with style even if it s got quite a few poop and sex jokes McGarvey notes in conclusion. Whether it s assassinating a target named Destroyman or performing menial tasks to earn the entrance fee to kill Destroyman No More Heroes is one of the most gleefully WTF experiences you ll have in gaming this year. At IGN Mark Bozon contributes a No More Heroes review scored at . out of . On a system now home to a ton of uber casual experiences and lots of me too shovelware products it can be pretty rare to find something made specifically for the more hardcore mature gamer he says. Well score one more for the hardcore. No More Heroes isn t the most polished game out there and it certainly has its fair share of quirks all around but it deserves to keep its place in the libraries of the more serious Wii gamers just the same. Bozon feels that No More Heroes free roaming elements don t always gel with its action based gameplay. What it all boils down to is about or so stores and buildings to go into a handful of mission points that bring you into new loading zones and some mini game jobs which are fun but hardly necessitate an entire open world he explains. We re not denying the immersion factor you could get from actually roaming around town Bozon continues but there experience is far more frustrating and incomplete than it should be and it would have been easier to scale down this aspect of the game going with a more traditional level select or smaller hub world even if it meant changing the feel and pacing of the game along the way. As far as open world designs go No More Heroes has the worst on Wii and that includes the disappointing Driver Parallel Lines city. Bozon also claims that No More Heroes mission structure can often be inconvenient and frustrating. Failing a mission removes it from the map entirely forcing the player to move from one mission to the next regardless of outcome he writes. You can always reactivate the challenge by going back to a main building on the map that handles all jobs and assassination missions but when some of the challenges are extremely difficult . a lack of retry option is a serious oversight. Though Bozon shares much of the same praise for No More Heroes as other reviewers he cautions that some gamers may not have patience for its issues. Players will have to decide for themselves if this is really a game worth purchasing at full price. There s a ton of hilarious content added to truly make the world come to life he says. What you won t find however is a true open world experience and you ll have to suffer through what s there in order to find the gold of the game within the actual assassination missions. Despite its problems No More Heroes has thus far earned higher scores from critics than Killer and appears to be a more enjoyable experience overall. Fans of Suda s trademark style and offbeat humor will have their expectations fulfilled and anyone disappointed by Killer s flaws may find that No More Heroes matches its predecessor s style while boasting more satisfying gameplay. POSTED . AM PST Danny Cowan LINK Comments Login to Comment Related news Critical Reception Nintendo Game Arts Super Smash Bros. Brawl Critical Reception Sony Ready at Dawn s God of War Chains of Olympus Critical Reception Nintendo Level s Professor Layton and the Curious Village . . Next News Story View All. join contact us advertise write my profile news features contract work jobs resumes education product guide store Copyright CMP Media LLC privacy policy terms of service You have to fill out some surveys to earn points to spend on virtually anything it does not have to be video game related. This is a great site so i advise you to check it out from the link provided. All you have to do is go to or http www.rewards .com index.php referrer id This is a legit site look at some of the things users of this site have gotten check out the forum on the site to be reassured Entry Filed under Uncategorized . Tags free nintendo wii points free nintenso wii free ps free xbox freebies halo .metal gear solid legend of zelda street fighter super mari super smash brothers brawl ufc .ufc . Leave a Comment Name Required Email Required hidden Url Comment Some HTML allowed Trackback this post Subscribe to the comments via RSS Feed Calendar January M T W T F S S Most Recent Posts Free nintendo wii points Hello world Theme Blix by Sebastian Schmieg . Blog at .


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Wednesday, March 05, 2008

It is very much feasible that you may think differently about what is the nintendo wii price once you complete reading this abstract on what is the nintendo wii price. Keep speculating!

Current what is the nintendo wii price News

Rumours suggest Xbox 360 price cut this month

Wed, 05 Mar 2008 22:52:41 +0000
also don t forget that innovation isn t always appreciated by the gam. I seriously don t see Infinity Ward making a non fps game and a MMO i. Sony would not be interested in selling a system they are just about . they better put it out for ps or il be pissed . Stop being a wimp get a console your just worried about getting u. Diablo II is close second. Starcraft II. Signed. WOW Pfffft. Closing eyes towards problems. nothing else was expected. Latest forum comments uhu huidskleur wordt er niet gepest durft men niet pesten maar ne ga. ach ik werd vroeger ook wel eens gepest en kijk nu ik ben een succe. phh da mens. Vond het ook belachelijk nu paar weken voordat de uitei. Ochja eens pesten en gepest worden is goed voor je daar word je ster. Ik ben maar even veel waar als DD Waarom is emo hier up and comming denk je whatever. Met een foto erbij gaat m n prijs x mja. . http in bed de mijne Links plaatsen h . want . ik heb er geld voor over om naar een LAN te gaan waar ik round the clo. Visit the forums RSS Feeds Feeds are per category All News Comments News X price cut March th Posted on Wednesday March by Speed source TechRadar Techradar received word from numerous sources in the industry that Microsoft s X will drop on March th. Why aren t we saying which version will be dropped in price Well it seems ALL versions will get the same price cut. We have corroborated this story with numerous UK retailers this morning who agree that the price is set to be slashed on this date. The rumour is that the price cut will be in the region of per SKU . at the current exchange rate which we will confirm as soon as we find a retailer willing to go on record. Taking euros off the price of all Xbox systems will bring the Arcade version at or even below the price of Nintendo s Wii which will almost certainly raise sales. This news comes fairly quick after rumours about Sony dropping the price of its PS later this year. may become a very exciting year for those that still don t have a next gen console in their home. Microsoft of course declined to comment on the rumour and Sony nor Nintendo wanted to say anything about the matter just yet either. In other news The Chronicles of Spellborn moves to Q Why Bethesda doesn t listen to the fans Comment s put your comment here Register an account Lost password Submit News Technical support Foreach Privacy Statement and Terms of Service Server uptime weeks days hours minute This page was generated in . secs Syndicate our news According to videogaming .com non disclosure agreements are in place with leading retailers to prevent them from revealing the price drop which will come into effect just ahead of the busy Easter sales period. Around EUR is expected to be slashed off the price of the Elite Premium and Arcade units according to on March . This means the Arcade Xbox will retail for around GBP in the UK cheaper than Nintendo s Wii console the Elite will sell below GBP and the Premium at just under GBP . Retailers contacted by have declined to comment on the record. Microsoft has been targeting the Arcade unit at the casual end of the market packaging it with five free Live Arcade games but without a hard drive as standard. Reducing its price to around GBP less than the Wii would be a more aggressive attempt to win over the casual consumer a market currently dominated by Nintendo s home console. Related Information Microsoft Stock Report Feb Feb Microsoft cuts Vista price Feb BBFC hits back at ratings claims Feb Daily Weekly Sign up to the FREE GI Newsletter and receive a comprehensive round up of industry news and info. Most Popular Stories New PS price cut expected this year Jagex launches FunOrb casual site SCi to cut per cent of jobs cancels projects billion investment needed to take on World of Warcraft Kotick Rumours suggest Xbox price cut this month Editor Phil Elliott Advertising Job Listings Richard Sturgess Meet the Team About GI Send us news RSS This site Eurogamer Network Ltd. All Rights Reserved. No part of this site or its content may be reproduced without the permission of the copyright holder. Page loaded in . seconds.


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Tuesday, February 19, 2008

All's well, that ends well. We have now come to the ending of Ares Free Music Download. Until we meet again, adios.

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Recording industry threatens to sue students indir download msn nickleri gzel nickler avatar msn programlar msn hata kodlar pro street carbon full tek link ykle oyna crysis program kaspersky nero bedava oyna

Tue, 19 Feb 2008 16:47:45 +0000
Front Page News Opinion Sports Advertising Options Login Register About Us Message Board Events Calendar Syndication Letter to the Editor Archives Search Writer Blogs Links WIU Online WIU Alumni Macomb Western Courier Classifieds Contact Us Home Opinion Save your money steal this colunm Piotr Skrabacz Issue date Section Opinion Print Email Page of next Whether or not we like to admit it we have all stolen something during our lives. It may be as little as a grape while shopping with mom when you were little or as felonious as a car when you were a rambunctious teen. Whatever the case may be stealing can be classified into categories ranging from that grape the low end of the spectrum to the car which is at the higher end of the spectrum. In recent years the advent of digital music has come along bringing positive and negative feedback regarding its distribution and blurring the line of what constitutes stealing. It s difficult to comprehend that at one point artists like U and Madonna were in their childhood homes dreaming of someone giving them a chance to be heard and allowing them that crucial shot at stardom. Now I m no psychiatrist but I do see how having money changes one s personality sometimes for the good and sometimes not so much. In this case many artists are banding together in efforts to stop what they say is copyright infringement and stealing by people who just want to listen to their music but can t afford to pay per song. As college students being strapped for cash is not something out of the ordinary. Sometimes we are put in situations where we must decide between one necessity and another but what about the things that get us through the day like music Being put in a position where one must decide between a gallon of milk and the new Hilary Duff CD is completely absurd which is the exact reason why file sharing came about. The file sharing revolution started with Napster and evolved into Limewire Ares and Kazaa making it possible for anyone to download the music they fancy for free or a small fee. The original goal of most budding musicians is to actually be heard by others and make a difference in people s lives while also being financially comfortable. But today those goals are being clouded with the idea that their millions upon millions of dollars are not enough compensation for their entertainment. Continued. Page of next Article Tools Share Facebook Blogger digg newsvine Subscribe My Yahoo Google Viewing Comments of wyly posted AM CST This is the most inane thing I have read in a long time. Oh pitty the poor soul who has to choose between a quart of mild and Britney Spears song. Poor pitiful soul just might have to forego the Britney song. Continued Details Reply to this comment Post a Comment Name required Email required NOTE Email address will not be published Website Notify me of followup comments via e mail Email notify will not work because you are not currently logged in. Click here to quickly login or create a free account. Type your comment below html not allowed I am not posting spam. I understand posting spam or other comments that are unrelated to this article will cause my comment to be flagged for deletion and possibly cause my IP address to be permanently banned from this server. National College Advertising and Marketing Privacy Policy Terms of Use Content Submission Agreement Copyright Compliance Policy RSS Terms of Use Advertisement Poll Do you think Pres. Bush places too much emphasis on shopping as a way to stimulate the economy Yes No Submit Vote View Results Front Page PDF Advertisement Western Courier Powered by College Publisher College Publisher powered by mtvU and MTV Networks Small Business Center A new resource for small businesses. Get expert advice forms and more. SFGate Technology It s a high tech world we just plug you into it. Natalie Miles a legal studies student at UC Santa Cruz is getting some unwelcome education in her major. Attorneys representing some of Hollywood s biggest companies say the year old illegally made songs available for sharing on a popular online service. For that she was told in a letter from the recording industry Miles will be sued in federal court unless she can come up with about for a settlement. It s horrible said Miles who insists she did nothing wrong and can t afford to settle. I just don t think that these people realize that they re ruining people s lives. The letter was especially astonishing because Miles who doesn t count herself as much of a music fan said she never used Limewire the file sharing service that the Recording Industry Association of America cited in the letter. But she acknowledged that others might have used her computer in her absence because she wasn t careful about protecting her password. I was living in an apartment on campus with five others Miles said. I would bring friends over they would bring friends over I never locked my door. Nearly a year after starting a crusade to stop college students from illegally sharing online music the recording group has sent such letters to college students across the country accusing them of piracy. At the same time they offer the students a chance to put it all behind them by paying several thousand dollars. The crackdown is part of a broader yearslong effort by the association to curb online music sharing a wildly popular practice that allows consumers to download music for free through online services Limewire Ares and Gnutella. Called peer to peer or P P networks the services allow users to tap into and download songs from other users collections. Adhering to copyright laws is left up to the users. Music companies complain that file sharing which violates copyright laws is cutting into their profits and they point to falling album sales as evidence. U.S. album sales fell . percent in from a year earlier according to Nielsen SoundScan. But the recording industry s aggressive campaign against music piracy has earned it enmity. Critics say that suing potential customers is unwise and they call on music companies to find a successful business model for the digital era rather than trying to protect a failing one. Whether the association s legal strategy is working is unclear. Several years of sharp growth in the use of peer to peer networks which also are used to share television clips and films has ended according to BigChampagne a company that measures the use of the networks. Still the average number of users on such networks at any one time remained at around . million globally in about the same as it was a year earlier the company found. The fact that peer to peer traffic is relatively flat we take that as a positive impact of our effort said Jonathan Lamy a spokesman for the recording association. But that doesn t mean that the practice isn t intolerably damaging to the industry. During the early years of its anti piracy fight the trade group took a more muted approach with colleges. When its investigations uncovered music file sharing on college Internet networks the group usually demanded that the material be removed by sending what are known as take down notices. Then last year the association stepped up the fight with an initiative to routinely threaten individual students with lawsuits. Students who received the letters were told they could avoid going to court by paying a settlement usually between and that can be paid in a number of ways including online by credit card and in monthly installments. Each month the trade group sends out about such letters to colleges across the nation including UC Berkeley Stanford University and UC Santa Cruz. Of the students who have received the letters have settled according to the association. In addition to threatening lawsuits and making an example of the targets the recording group is encouraging universities to spread the word about the dangers of file sharing and to provide free legal music downloading services to students. Lamy said illicit file sharing has dropped significantly at universities that take such steps. Miles the UC Santa Cruz student got the first of her three pre litigation letters eight months ago while she was at home on spring break. She said that she was shocked to read the contents that she offered to share hundreds of music files from her computer and had days to contact the recording association or be sued in federal court. Miles said she immediately told her parents about the letter and contacted an attorney. As with many students accused of piracy the recording industry didn t originally know Miles identity. It instead sent the pre litigation letter to the university along with the address of a computer involved in suspected file sharing and asked the school to forward the warning. Eventually the music companies subpoenaed Miles records from UC Santa Cruz to learn her identity. Her attorney she said tried to get the university to fight the court order but he didn t succeed. Miles said she is unwilling to settle with the recording group and in any case doesn t have enough money to do so. A collections agency working for the association has called her parents to pressure them to pay. Meanwhile Miles said she s nervously waiting to be sued while continuing her studies. If taken to court Miles said that she might declare bankruptcy. In that way she may be able to avoid having to pay a court judgment. I would much rather go on that course than give the recording industry money for something I didn t do Miles said. A Minnesota woman who decided to fight the recording association in court over accusations of illicit file sharing rather than settle lost her case in October. Illustrating the high stakes the federal court ordered her to pay to six music companies. Fred von Lohmann an attorney with the Electronic Frontier Foundation a digital rights group said he s spoken with many students who have been targeted by the recording group and have had to drop out of school and start work to pay their settlements. He said that even if students have a good defense many settle to avoid hiring an expensive attorney the headaches and the potential for much bigger damages levied in a trial. This is a very unfair fight von Lohmann said. College students be aware Sharing music on peer to peer networks can be a recipe for a lawsuit by the recording industry. The following can help you avoid trouble Use only legal services to buy and share music. Don t share you computer with others. For tips and tools from the RIAA go to . For the Electronic Frontier Foundation s perspective go to issues file sharing . Source Chronicle research E mail Verne Kopytoff at . 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Monday, February 18, 2008

Producing such informative sentences on Vt Shows was not an overnight achievement. Lots of hard work and sweat was also put in it.

News about Vt Shows

Virginia Tech and NIU Shooters Both Shopped Online Dealer

Sun, 17 Feb 2008 23:30:27 +0000
Lawmaker Does Double Duty As Comic By JOHN CURRAN Jan MONTPELIER Vt. AP x How many politicians does it take to draw a laugh At least one in Vermont where state Rep. Jason Lorber does standup gigs produces comedy shows and runs improv workshops when he s not making laws. When I first came here people said You re the first comedian to come to the Statehouse. I say I m the first PROFESSIONAL comedian to come to the Statehouse he said. He says legislating and performing are both passions for him. Politics is about changing society and trying to make the world a better place. And performing makes me feel so alive. I love the creative aspect of it he said. Lorber grew up in California making him a flatlander or non native to Vermonters. That gives him an outsider s view on things New Englanders take for granted like coping with winters I have a regimen for keeping warm I get up I put on a tank top T shirt flannel shirt sweater jacket and scarf. Then if it dips below I put on more clothes. Or the state s quirky fondness for the good old days I m used to directions based on what street you re supposed to turn on. In Vermont directions are based on landmarks that burned down years ago. He also isn t shy about basing humor on his personal life x he s gay in a civil union and has a year old son. The thing about my partner is he s gay. Which I m fine with. Growing up I never pictured myself being with a gay guy. Now I ve come to realize that I could never be happy being with a straight guy. While standup comedy isn t exactly big business in Vermont x the state has no comedy clubs x some of Lorber s fellow lawmakers have an appreciation for what he s doing. Anybody who can stand up in front of a group of people and try to elicit laughter maybe being a legislator is the easy part of his life said state Rep. Floyd Nease. Hosted by Copyright The Associated Press. All rights reserved. You Decide. 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Crime Education Supreme Court Send news tip to SUBMIT FOXNEWS.COM HOME U.S. Virginia Tech and NIU Shooters Both Shopped Online Dealer Friday February E Mail Print Share Digg Facebook StumbleUpon An online firearms and accessories merchant provides an indirect but eerie link between the Virginia Tech shootings in April and the shootings Thursday at Northern Illinois University . Eric Thompson who sells firearms and about related products on a hundred different retail Web sites told FOX News Neil Cavuto on Friday that NIU shooter Steven Kazmierczak bought a holster from one of Thompson s Web sites. No firearms were sold to Kazmierczak Thomson said only unregulated products and it was an unremarkable order in all senses of the word. Virgina Tech gunman Seung Hui Cho who killed on April before taking his own life made a legal firearm purchase on one of Thompson s Web sites. Thompson said when his business learned of the NIU shooter s identity Friday a search was made of customer records which uncovered Kazmierczak s holster purchase. Kazmierczak placed the order Feb. and it was shipped Monday Thompson said. On Thursday Kazmierczak opened fire at NIU killing students and wounding more than a dozen others. He too ended by killing himself. See Next Story in U.S. E Mail Print Share Digg Facebook StumbleUpon Vignette StoryServer . Sun Feb Vignette StoryServer . Mon Feb Top Video Happy Travels Are airlines resisting a plan to reduce delays US Home explodes in Detroit Arrest in meat clever murder case Pint sized rodeo competition in Ariz. Body identified as missing co ed ADVERTISEMENT Most Read Top Emailed Top Videos Authorities Evacuate L.A. 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